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Lack Of Documentation ($ LOD$ )

Works with all instances of a common meta-model, regardless of whether they were produced with the Java or the UML front-end.
$ LOD$
How many comments are lacking in a class, considering one class comment and a comment per method as optimum. Structure and content of the comments are ignored.
$ {V}^{LOD} = ({G}^{LOD}, {R}^{LOD})$
  • Grammar $ {G}^{LOD} = (\{\textrm{scope}^{LOC}\}, \emptyset, \textrm{scope}^{LOC})$
  • Relations $ {R}^{LOD}: IsMethodOf$
  • Mapping $ \alpha^{LOD}$:
    $\displaystyle \alpha^{LOD}(\textrm{Class})$ $\displaystyle \mapsto$ $\displaystyle \textrm{scope}^{LOD}$  
    $\displaystyle \alpha^{LOD}(\textrm{Method})$ $\displaystyle \mapsto$ $\displaystyle \textrm{method}^{LOD}$  
    $\displaystyle \alpha^{LOD}(\textrm{IsMethodOf})$ $\displaystyle \mapsto$ $\displaystyle \textrm{containsMethod}^{LOC}$  

The $ LOD$value of a element $ c \in scope^{LOD}$is defined as:
$\displaystyle T(c)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle succ(c, containsMethod) \cup c$  
$\displaystyle D(c)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle \{e \in T(c) \vert e.hasJavaDoc == true\}$  
$\displaystyle LOD(c)$ $\displaystyle =$ $\displaystyle 1.0 - \frac{\vert D(c)\vert}{\vert T(c)\vert}$  

Rational numbers $ \in 0.0..1.0\infty$.
Highly Related Software Quality Properties
Re-Usability 2.4
is inversely influenced by LOD.
Understandability for Reuse 2.4.1:
Understanding if a class is suitable for reuse depends on its degree of documentation.

Understandability decreases with increasing LOD.

Learnability for Reuse 2.4.2:
Learning if a class is suitable for reuse depends on the degree of documentation.

Learnability decreases with increasing LOD.

Operability for Reuse - Programmability 2.4.3:
How well a class can be integrated depends on the degree of documentation.

Programmability decreases with increasing LOD.

Maintainability 2.6
decreases with increasing LOD.
Analyzability 2.6.1:
The effort and time for diagnosis of deficiencies or causes of failures in software entity, or for identification of parts to be modified is directly related to its degree of documentation.

Analyzability decreases with increasing LOD.

Changeability 2.6.2:
Changing a class requires prior understanding, which, in turn, is more complicated for undocumented classes.

Changeability decreases with increasing LOD.

Testability 2.6.4:
Writing test cases for classes and methods requires understanding, which, in turn, is more complicated for undocumented classes.

Testability decreases with increasing LOD.

Portability 2.7
decreases with increasing LOD.
Adaptability 2.7.1:
As for changeability 2.6.2, the degree of documentation of software has a direct impact. Each modification requires understanding which is more complicated for undocumented systems.

Adaptability decreases with increasing LOD.

Replaceablity 2.7.4:
The substitute of a component must imitate its interface. Undocumented interfaces are difficult to check for substitutability and to actually substitute.

Replaceablity decline with increasing LOD.

Related Software Quality Properties
Reliability 2.2
decreases with increasing LOD.
Maturity 2.2.1:
Due to reduced analyzability 2.6.1 and testability 2.6.4, bugs might be left in undocumented software. Therefore, maturity may be influenced by degree of documentation.

Maturity decreases with increasing LOD.

Re-Usability 2.4
is inversely influenced by LOD.
Attractiveness 2.3.4:
Attractiveness of a class depends on its adherence to coding conventions such as degree of documentation.

Attractiveness decreases with increasing LOD.

Maintainability 2.6
decreases with increasing LOD.
Stability 2.6.3:
Due to reduced analyzability 2.6.1 and testability 2.6.4, also stability may be influenced negatively by size.

Stability decreases with increasing LOD.

  • LOD is implemented in the VizzAnalyzer Metric Suite.

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